WORN BY Lester Nowhere

Exploring the sound with Lester Nowhere – Producer and Beatmaker

"My dreams are a work in progress. One of my goals is definitely to expand the community of young people in Italy who are already working - or would like to work - in my field."

Lester Nowhere is a music producer and beat maker based in Milan, who has managed to turn his passion into a career. His profession is both fascinating and unique, born from a deep love for music and creativity. Read his interview to learn more about Lester and his work.

Who are you, what do you do, and what is the origin of your stage name?

My name is Arturo Fratini, but I go by Lester Nowhere, and I work as a producer and beatmaker. My stage name comes from American Beauty, a film I really loved as a child. The main character's name is Lester, and that's why I chose it. At that time, I also decided to dedicate myself entirely to music, and Lester (the protagonist) was my inspiration because, like me, he chooses to leave his job and follow his passion.
I added Nowhere to my stage name later on for a simple reason: just Lester wouldn’t have been distinctive enough since there are so many out there. So, I picked a word I liked, one that also happens to be the name of the place where “Courage the Cowardly Dog” lives.

How did you become passionate about beat making?

I started making music around the age of 13 or 14 when I first got into hip-hop. Before that, I only listened to rock. Hip-hop was the first genre that made me realize I could create music in a fulfilling way without necessarily knowing how to play an instrument (something that never really excited me). I've always produced music exclusively on my computer.

How do you find inspiration to compose?

Even though I don’t really believe in inspiration, going to the mountains helps me clear my mind. Personally, rather than relying on inspiration, I tend to listen to forgotten music from the past that I like, then rework and transform it into my beats and new music. This process is called “sampling” a track, but I also like to think of it as “recycling” a track.

How much time do you dedicate to music daily?

I don’t spend the same number of hours producing music every day, it depends. Some days I might work for 12 hours, other days not at all. In general, I try to dedicate at least six hours a day, but if I can't manage, I prefer to take a break, otherwise, I’d risk burning out. The periods when I used to push myself and spend 10-12 hours a day producing are behind me now. I feel like I’ve already gone through that phase. Now, I try to take better care of myself, especially on days when I struggle to focus on music.

How important is feedback to you?

For me, feedback is important, but it’s not something I particularly enjoy. I don’t find it easy to share my music with just anyone: it has to be someone I know well and whose opinion I truly value.

Do you believe in collaboration?

I strongly believe in collaboration because working with others can speed up certain aspects of the creative process. When I work alone, I sometimes get too caught up in small details. Collaborating allows me to gain different perspectives. In my work, collaboration often means being in the studio with an artist—who might be singing—and finding a balance that suits both of our styles. The same applies when working with other producers or beat makers: we aim to reach a final result that satisfies both of us and, most importantly, sounds great.

What are your dreams?

My dreams are a work in progress. One of my goals is definitely to expand the community of young people in Italy who are already working - or would like to work - in my field. Also, it seems obvious, but I would like to continue making music and hope that it will be appreciated.

How important is clothing in your work?

Since I often interact with artists and music producers, what I wear is like my business card. I always try to wear “interesting” pieces, but at the same time, comfort is key, as I spend most of my time sitting in front of a computer. One piece I can’t do without is the Herringbone Cargo by MONOBI in frog green—comfortable, versatile, and functional.